Сетевая Академия Мебели aabu@yandex.ru древесные композиты
выставка Поли-Билд

Polybuild-2009: Wood Plastic Composites at the  exhibition in Moscow.

The first  WPC international Conference in Russia.

Development of manufacture and trade for any production requires exhibition and scientific and technical support. Abroad, the WPC development is actively supported by corresponding scientific and technical actions with participation of a considerable quantity of firms and the organisations. In Russia a special platform for WPC popularisation  while is not present.

when in August of last year to me Svetlana Konstantinova (manager of Polybuild) exhibition with the offer has addressed to collect at this exhibition the interested enterprises and the organisations and also to spend the international conference I has decided to support this undertaking. Certainly, six months, especially in the conditions of crisis, on preparation of such action it was small, but as the basic organizer of conference we have involved GNC LPK - State Scientific Centre of Woodworking Industry, that has certainly appeared necessary and useful.

Thus on
March, 10th-13, 2009  at  Rusbuild exhibition project  (Crocus-Expo exibition center, Pavilion 3, hall 13) there has passed Polybuild exhibition , and the  first in Russia  WPC international conference on March, 11th has taken place.

Main objective of this complex action was to show to scientific and technical community and business this new material, ways of its manufacture, a scope, to organise an exchange of the best practices, science and manufacture interaction etc.

Our conference undertaking it has been supported by world technological leaders - Cincinnati Extrusion GmbH, Greiner Extrusion - Austria, Reifenhäuser GmbH - Germany, WPC Corpоration - Einwood, Japan  both the domestic trading and industrial enterprises already having practical experience in this area. 

Also , total  at  the Polibuild taked part 9 foreign and domestic exibitors which work at WPC field now. 

Pictures from this exhibition

At first sight this action was rather modest on scale since crisis has obviously affected number of participants. Many of those who would like to arrive, unfortunately could not make it. But we cannot tell, that the "first pancake left a clod". On the contrary, main objectives which we have put before ourselves in August, have been reached, and conference has passed is live and it is interesting both to listeners and for lecturers.

Exhibition hall general plans, below:

Impressing assortment of  WPC profile products from  Chinese manufacture at the Asia Trade Company stand, below:

The first domestic manufacturer of
WPC window sills  on PVC base (Biohimplast company, Dzerzhinsk), below:

WPC deckings presented by the company "Baltic coast" from St.-Petersburg, below:

Collective stand
GNC LPK - State Scientific Centre of Woodworking Industry of Russia, Reifenhäuser GmbH and Network Academy of Furniture, below

Several conference pictures:

On March, 13th, 14-00, the exhibition comes to an end. Got tired, but happy

Svetlana Konstantinova and Alexander Abushenko: 
We thank GNC LPK and all persones and companies  who has supported this initiative.

There are no doubts, that the last event - the first modest step, but a step - in a correct direction. It will receive a corresponding estimation, a sufficient resonance and will serve as stimulus for the further practical advancement of new technology and this materials in Russia.

Will be better that this action would receive the continuation next year and became traditional for the experts working in the field of
WPC manufacture and application. 

The Conferense Program
, http://c-a-m.narod.ru/wpc/confer/Ros-exibit-2009-confprog.html

The big resolotion photoarchive,  dwnld
18 Мb, http://narod.ru/disk/6662500000/Polybuild_big_resolution.rar.html

List of files and companies links http://c-a-m.narod.ru/wpc/confer/Ros-exibit-2009-links-engl.html

Companies presentations materials archive (will soon).

march 14, 2009

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