Сетевая Академия Мебели aabu@yandex.ru wood plastic composites
выставка ПолиБилд - Polybuild exibition

Wood Plastic Composites  (WPC)  on the polymer building exhibition in Moscow, Russia

Development of manufacture and trade for any production requires exhibition and scientific and technical support. Abroad WPC problematics is actively supported by corresponding scientific and technical actions with participation of a considerable quantity of firms and the organisations. In Russia the special platform for popularisation of WPC  while is not present.

Therefore, we reach the arrangement to organise regular display WPC within the limits of an annual exhibition "POLYBUILD" in
Moscow (earlier it was called "Plastbuild").

The "
POLYBUILD" exhibition is devoted questions of application of polymers in building and architecture and spent annually in March in the exhibition centre " Crocus Expo " in system of the large international exhibition project "RUSBUILD". 

The exhibition passes under the care of The Federal Building  Comitie, The Governments of the Moscow Region and The Russian Union of Builders.

In 2009 the exhibition will take place 10 - on March, 13th.

 On  the "POLYBUILD" it is planned to involve on a regular basis the domestic and foreign companies and the organisations which are engaged in manufacture Wood Plastic Composites, trade, their application in building, manufacturers of the equipment and the chemical additives used in  WPC technology, the scientific and technical organisations and mass-media.

Within the limits of an exhibition "POLYBUILD-2009" it is supposed to spend conference or a symposium with the international participation, devoted to WPC manufacture and application problems.

The organising committee, the exhibition and conference program are now formed.

The purpose of this complex action is to show to business and scientific and technical community a new material and ways of its manufacture and application, to organise an exchange of the best practices, sciences and manufactures relations etc.

Initiative group on the action organisation:

  • Abushenko Alexander, the independent researcher
  • Konstantinova Svetlana, the manager of the "POLYBUILD" exibition
  • Voskoboynikov Igor , deputy  general director GNC "Lesprom"
  • Fiofanov Vyacheslav, the chief of department GNC "Lesprom".

Planned directions of the comferense:

  • Development of WPC manufacture, trade and application  in architecture and building, WPC  marketing;
  • Development of technology of products from WPC (properties, compoundings, raw materials and additives, technological processes);
  • Development of the machinery and equipment for WPC manufacture.

We ask you to inform your interest in participation in an exhibition as an exhibitor and (or) the participant of the conference (the lecturer or the visitor).

Alexander Abushenko

e-mail:aabu@yandex.ru,  phone +7(495) 573 79 04

July, 14th, 2008

  On the theme else (on Russian):

What is deckings?
Whether are WPC necessary in Russia ?
geografija Geography of manufacture wood plastic composites (WPC)
 WPC Electronic Information System.  Annotation

мебельный рынок
дизайн и конструирование мебели
выставки за рубежом
технология мебельного производства
оборудование для мебельного производства материалы и комплектующие изделия для мебельного производства wood composites разное

сетевая академия мебели e-mail:aabu@yandex.ru

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